We Are Building A Winning Team!
Team DESTINE provides the following benefits to godly, high-level athletes and Olympians with a gift for leadership and a calling to serve our nation in public office:
Team DESTINE will travel anywhere at anytime to find the future leaders God is raising from the ranks of high-level athletics, Exodus 18:21.
For those high-level athletes who are faithful, called and teachable, Team DESTINE will provide thorough and ongoing training in the disciplines of Biblical civic leadership needed by godly citizens to run for and hold public office, 2 Timothy 3:17.
Just as great athletes need continuous coaching to attain peak performance so too do godly leaders. Team DESTINE pledges to coach its recruits in the finer aspects of godly leadership and governance, and how best to serve America and the church, Proverbs 22:6
Iron sharpens iron, and no one can succeed in the political arena alone. Team DESTINE will introduce you to those who will transition you to the step of running for public office; and, can help you to build a network of supporters, financers, influencers, prayer warriors, and encouragers, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12.
None of this works without the presence, direction, and leading of God. Team DESTINE will devote itself to pray for its trainees on a continual, regular basis — not just for success in the political arena, but in and throughout life, James 5:16.